DP&R Participates in Engagement Meetings in support of the US-Philippines Bilateral Executive Committee Meetings
tags: PACOM, Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Planning
On July 23-24, 2013 DP&R joined in highly successful bi-lateral talks with the US and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to introduce the Army Global Civil-Military Emergency Preparedness (AGCMEP) Program and its capabilities within the framework of the State Partnership Program and PACOM bilateral security cooperation activities and programs. During the bi-lateral talks, DP&R participated in presenting the AGCMEP program, assessment and assistance capabilities to the AFP and Standing Committees, detailing how the program may be used in support of a comprehensive disaster management assessment to improve national resilience to effects of disasters. The resulting assessment report will aid the Philippine Office of Civil Defense and AFP in refining their national and regional plans to increase its disaster preparedness and resiliency and measure the improvements through future re-assessments.
About Tripler Medical Center
Tripler Army Medical Center is the headquarters of the Pacific Regional Medical Command of the armed forces administered by the United States Army in the state of Hawaii. Tripler Army Medical Center is the headquarters of the Pacific Regional Medical Command of the armed forces administered by the United States Army in the state of Hawaii. Learn More
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